The Thirst for Freedom In the Ukraine

by Father Michael A. PerryI’m writing this on July 3, perhaps with a sense of nostalgia because l am not home to celebrate our Independence Day with my people. I’m in Ukraine, where my ancestors came from 100 years ago.

Father Bob Blauvelt

Dear Editor: It is hard to imagine that anyone could better teach the meaning of love, divine and human, than Father Bob Blauvelt. Through personal example and the Cursillo he inspired The Tablet editorial staff to accept and promote the message of Vatican II.

Mother Cabrini, a Great Role Model

Dear Editor: There should be a public memorial of Mother Cabrini in New York City. Yes, a statue should be erected to her, especially in view of the Mayor’sefforts to evidence increased statues of women in NYC, pointing to their contributions to our society.

The Effects of Abortion

Dear Editor: Sadly, we see the effects of abortion on demand mutating and infecting the minds, hearts and very souls of the millions of those men and women which have followed the Roe v Wade generation, which ushered in the culture of death. I speak of the children who have been brainwashed and trained to hate without reason and their predecessors.

Cruel, Inhumane Treatment

Dear Editor: As a person of faith who believes in the basic human dignity of all people, especially the most vulnerable among us, I am appalled by the recent reports of the cruel, racist, inhumane treatment of migrant children held in U.S. custody.

Baby Monica’s Funeral

Dear Editor: Thank you to The Tablet and Currents News for covering the funeral of baby Monica at Our lady of Perpetual Help in Brooklyn.

The Canonization of John Henry Cardinal Newman

On July 1, John Henry Newman’s cause for canonization was approved by Pope Francis. Cardinal Newman, an Englishman who lived from 1801-1890, was declared venerable by Pope St. John Paul II in 1991 and Blessed by Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI in 2009. Pope Francis will canonize Cardinal Newman on Oct. 13 at a Mass in Piazza San Pietro in the Vatican, along with four other Blesseds. There are two approved miracles attributed to the intercession of Cardinal Newman, both originating in the United States.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Wikipedia describes Fred Rogers as “an American television personality, musician, puppeteer, writer, producer, and Presbyterian minister.” It goes on to explain that his dissatisfaction with the way television addressed young children led him to create the TV show, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”

Father Robert A. Blauvelt

Father Robert A Blauvelt, a former pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Maspeth, who served in many parishes in the Diocese of Brooklyn, died on June 19. He was 89.

Father Michael A. Carrano

Father Michael A. Carrano, pastor of Our Lady of Hope, Middle Village, died on June 7 at the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, after a battle of cancer. He was 74.