You’ll Never Walk Alone

By Msgr. Joseph P. Calise ONE OF THE most important tools of the spiritual life is a spiritual director. As an old saying goes, “we all need somebody to talk to.” One day, I was speaking with one of the Passionist priests at the Bishop Molloy Retreat House in Jamaica Estates about something that was […]

Comedy Is a Family Affair with Gaffigans

By Mark Pattison WASHINGTON (CNS) – Jim Gaffigan, the comic actor known both for his funny books like “Dad Is Fat” and “Food: A Love Story,” and his inclusion of his Catholicism in his stand-up routines, has a close collaborator: his wife, Jeannie. “We’re truly partners,” Jeannie Gaffigan said during a June 11 teleconference with […]

Don’t Skip That Summer Vacation!

FOR MANY PEOPLE around the world, summer means vacations. When I grew up in Hong Kong, we did not have the practice of family vacations. Early in my career, our family went to wherever I had a summer conference. It was not quite a vacation as I always spent part of the time away from the family, laboring and stressing over various duties.

Elevate to Alleviate The Summer Swell

Dear Dr. Garner, I am glad that the good old summertime is here but it wreaks havoc on my feet. Something about the warm weather causes my feet and ankles to swell. I can’t even get into my shoes. I’m in good physical shape, and I try to exercise, but being a waitress, I’m on my feet most of the day.

Pope Supports Work of Labor Movement

Pope Francis speaks for the church I grew up in when he calls for an organized moral response to the injustices of modern capitalism.

Preserving Precious Freedoms

Dear Editor: To pray or to fast in hopes that the Supreme Court won’t rule in favor of so-called “marriage equality” laws may be a wasted effort. By now, the Court has probably already reached a decision, and the Justices may be at the stage of deciding which of them should have the honor (if such be the proper word) of writing the “Majority Decision.”

Don’t Forget the Orthodox

Dear Editor: You were right to highlight the upcoming encyclical by Pope Francis on ecology. Patricia Kenney (Readers’ Forum, May 23) notes that “The Vatican has been a leader in the movement to respect the environment.”

Discussing Global Warming

Dear Editor: You have recently published a few letters challenging the global warming theory. The letters caution us to do more thinking about the subject than its admirers will allow. I do think that it is about time that those who accept the idea that global warming is true need to let those who have reasons for opposing or at least questioning the theory have their say.

Investing in All Children

Dear Editor: I have been following the debate concerning passage of the Education Investment Tax Credit bill (A2551) and Governor Cuomo’s Parental Choice in Education Act. It appears that the essence of both pieces of legislation: children and their futures – is being lost in the discussion.

Why Consecrated Life?

The Church has been blessed this year dedicated to consecrated life. We have the tremendous witness of religious sisters and nuns, religious brothers and friars, and those consecrated in secular institutes to remind us of three things: first, how the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience can influence our own lives; second, how a particular charism can aid the entire Church; and third, of the necessity of joy in community.