Progress Not Perfection

THE PARABLE OF THE mustard seed presents us with an interesting paradox. The smallest of seeds becomes the largest of shrubs. That comparison, along with the introductory analogy of the Kingdom of God being like a seed that is planted and left to grow by God’s grace, presents us with not only an interesting perspective on the Church, but also a challenge to our daily lives.

The Importance of Daily Gratitude

ON A CLOUDY Saturday morning, I sit in my usual prayer spot by the patio door and watch the birds in the yard. I admit, I find them endlessly fascinating. The little sparrows who process almost solemnly by my small statue of St. Francis; the tiny, brilliant yellow birds who make a quick appearance and then flit away; the occasional bright red cardinal; the bevy of robins; the shiny, noisy blackbirds; the pairs of turtledoves who stay so lovingly close together – they all intrigue me.

Listen Well to that Graduation Speech

“I NEVER SAW a hearse towing a U-Haul,” remarked a friend of mine the other day. He was talking about the problem of materialism in contemporary life and the need to find ways of convincing young people that there is a whole lot more to life than making money and piling up possessions.

YouTube Kids App Runs Afoul of Parents

WASHINGTON (CNS) – The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is borrowing an argument from Dr. Seuss in its complaint against Google with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Allowing a True Debate

Dear Editor: For years, Catholics in our diocese have endured insults from other Catholics who insist that, by questioning their gospel of government dependency programs and the undermining of real economic opportunity for the poor means, we do not care about the poor and that we need to be lectured on being as compassionate as […]

A Gentleman Educator

Dear Editor: Thank you for the informative death notice about Dr. Robert Muccigrosso (May 23). I wish to shed some light on Robert Muccigrosso, the man. Bob, as the assistant principal at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School, hired me to teach at the school in August of 1973. That began 42 years of mentorship and great friendship.

Prayers for Marriage

Dear Editor: I am appealing to the Bishops in the U.S. to consider calling for a very serious prayer effort to hold back the decision of the Supreme Court from going the way of Ireland on marriage. This we know is very likely as the powerful and wealthy homosexual lobby is making great advances in our culture.

A Steady Barque

This past week, Rome hosted two very different, but important meetings. The first was at the Vatican, chaired by Pope Francis himself, as a meeting of the Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops. This was a preparatory meeting held to get ready for October’s Synod on the vocation and mission of the family in the Church and Society.

Partnership Makes Success Happen

A FEW YEARS AGO, Scott Bradlee was living in a basement apartment in New York City, hustling for jazz piano gigs at clubs and restaurants, and dreaming of something better. So he got a few friends together, started arranging jazz-, ragtime- and swing-style covers of modern pop songs, filming them, and uploading them to YouTube. His project, Postmodern Jukebox, exploded. The power of the share button catapulted them to Internet stardom – and then, the real thing.