Letters to the Editor

Investing in All Children

Dear Editor: I have been following the debate concerning passage of the Education Investment Tax Credit bill (A2551) and Governor Cuomo’s Parental Choice in Education Act. It appears that the essence of both pieces of legislation: children and their futures – is being lost in the discussion.

No one can deny that quality education is essential for every child to reach his or her potential. However, when it comes to schools, like in many other important things in life, one size does not fit all. Some children may excel in a particular school, while others may not. Parents should be able to choose the schools that provide the best educational opportunities for their children, without tuition costs that parents cannot afford, especially those who are not rich.

The Education Investment Tax Credit bill and the Governor’s Parental Choice in Education Act can help give more parents that choice, while taking nothing away from public schools or their funding.

As a teacher in a Catholic high school in New York City, I often have the opportunity to speak with parents of eighth-grade students who are exploring high school options. The advice my colleagues and I always give is that parents and students look at the schools they are considering and choose the one that seems a good fit for them. This is something we do when our children apply to colleges, but it is no less critical when choosing schools for children in their earlier years.

Passage of the Educational Investment Tax Credit bill and the Parental Choice in Education Act is critical to ensuring that all children in New York State have the opportunity to attend a school where they can achieve their potential and start on the path to success.
