Deacons’ Widows Pray

Dear Editor: Although I no longer live in the Brooklyn Diocese, I still enjoy reading The Tablet every week. One good friend who I still keep in touch with is Nancy Soto of Queens Village. I met Nancy a year or so after my husband, Deacon Jim Grace, passed away in 1999.

Thanks for Army Chaplains

Dear Editor: The article (July 3) about priests serving in the military has special meaning to me. The priest that was mentioned in the article, Father Lukasz J. Willenberg, is a priest I served with at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Community at Fort Bragg, N.C., from July, 2014 to July, 2015.

Prayer Is Apolitical

Dear Editor: Paragraph 15 of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States says:

WYD Opening Mass

Scenes from the opening Mass for World Youth Day at Blonia Park in Krakow, Poland, July 26.

The Violence Is Real

The brutal “beheading” of 84-year-old Father Jacques Hamel in France by radical Islamic terrorists is yet another sign that the worldwide jihad is real and that there are no limits to what these brutal fanatics will do.

Pay Attention to WYD

In 1993, Saint John Paul II came to Denver, Colorado, for World Youth Day. It was covered by the media, both Catholic and secular, and by all accounts, it was a peaceful, joyful, inspirational experience.

We Are All in This Together

Dear Editor: I just feel that after the tragic events of the past few weeks that people of all colors and faiths need to sit down and discuss our feelings and ways we can promote peace and understanding. Our motto should be, “We are all in this together.”

The Shame of Abortion

Dear Editor: In the Readers’ Forum (July 2-9) a letter by Frances Ruocco expressed my sentiments also. Thank you, Frances! I want to express my feelings on the same subject –abortion!

Third Person Acclamation

Dear Editor: In response to Peter Farley’s question (July 16) as to what happened to The Mystery of Faith acclamation: “Christ Has Died, Christ Has Risen, Christ Will Come Again,” one simple reason why it is no longer used is because it is written grammatically in the third person.

Dare We Strand Refugees?

Dear Editor: As I began to comment on reader Tom Hackert’s letter regarding immigration (July 16), I hesitated for two reasons: I was sure your office would already be inundated with protests to those thoughts and sentiments. And, I honestly could not decide on one single point to debate among Mr. Hackert’s obviously heartfelt but possibly misplaced concerns.