Face Up to Reverence

The comments of Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship, given at a liturgical conference in London on July 5, concerning the direction in which the priest faces during Mass has caused quite a stir. Even Father Federico Lombardi, the papal spokesman, had to weigh in on the subject after the Holy Father, Pope Francis, had a private meeting with Cardinal Sarah.

Evil All Around Us

So many dramatic events have occurred around the world in the past few weeks that it’s sobering to attempt to find a common thread. Perhaps, it is that we are standing at a pivotal time when either the rule of order will dominate or chaos will become the day-to-day continuum.

Newman Club Memories

Dear Editor: I am sad to read in The Tablet (May 14) of the passing of Vincent Murphy.

A Cheer for Salvation

Dear Editor: Before the new translations of the liturgy, there were three possible responses to “The mystery of faith.”

Controls on Immigration

Dear Editor: Regarding James Schwarzwalder’s letter (June 4), “Empathy for the Immigrants,” let’s be clear, no one has a “right” to come here just because they feel like it.

One Nation Under God

Dear Editor: I guess I am among the ranks of elitists that George Weigel was describing in his column (June 25).

Misrepresented by Markey

Dear Editor: Like letter writer Thomas Murawski of Glendale, (June 25), I am also angered by the accusations made against Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio by Assemblywoman Margaret Markey.

Why This Evil?

The coldblooded murders of police officers in Dallas during a peaceful demonstration on July 7 have shaken our nation to the core. Following a week in which we have seen two black men, one in Louisiana and the other in Minnesota, killed in incidents with the police, these unspeakable tragedies are horrible examples of the effects of our fallen human nature, the presence of sin in the world, and the real effects of what occurs when we forget who and what we are and what we are created to be.

Loves Tablet, Weigel

Dear Editor: I love The Tablet and read it faithfully word for word every week. I especially love George Weigel and the column he wrote “The Confessions of a Political Elitist” (June 25) was fantastic. I believe what he wrote and count myself with pride as being in the ranks of elitists. Thank you, Mr. Weigel.

Harmony of Catholic Education

Dear Editor: Choreography in a musical like Annie (which I saw at Christ the King High School on April 30) is crucial to the success of the production. The artistry, the harmony, the teamwork (not to mention great music and great coaching) have characterized the musicals of Christ the King H.S. in my experience since 2012 when I taught religion there for one semester as an emergency replacement.