Letters to the Editor

Deacons’ Widows Pray

Dear Editor: Although I no longer live in the Brooklyn Diocese, I still enjoy reading The Tablet every week. One good friend who I still keep in touch with is Nancy Soto of Queens Village. I met Nancy a year or so after my husband, Deacon Jim Grace, passed away in 1999.

Nancy, who also lost her husband, Deacon Ephrain Soto, invited several deacons’ wives to join with her as a support group. We met regularly at Nancy’s home to share our memories and to pray for all the deceased deacons of the Brooklyn Diocese and their widows.

Our Deacons Widows Support Group continues to meet, not personally, but in prayer, on the 25th day of every month, to remember and pray for our husbands and all the deceased deacons of the Brooklyn Diocese. When Nancy reads in The Tablet of the death of a deacon, she reaches out to his widow to invite her to join us in our prayers.

This Deacons Widow Support Group is a powerful force of prayer in the Brooklyn Diocese, and I want to bring it to the attention of your readers, suggesting that everyone can join in prayers for our deceased deacons.


Fond Du Lac, Wisc.