Old Adage Rings True – Offer It Up!

by Father Robert W. Blauvelt “Offer it up!” How many Catholics are familiar with this every day admonition, usually from a parent or one of the good Sisters in school? I fell and scraped my knee, Mommy. “Offer it up.” I don’t feel well. “Offer it up.” I’m so sad that grandpa died. “I know, honey. Offer it up.

If You See Something…

This week, the ugly face of terrorism once again hit our city with the explosion of a pipe bomb in Manhattan and the placement of several others in the tri-state area.

Obituary: Sister Eileen McCann, C.I.J.

Sister Eileen McCann, C.I.J., a member of the Congregation of the Infant Jesus (Nursing Sisters of the Sick Poor), died in late August.

Obituaries – Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly, 92, died Sept. 5 at her home in Ladue, Missouri, outside St. Louis. No cause of death was given, but she had been ill for some time.

Obituary: Sister Rita T. Finnen, D.W.

Sister Rita T. Finnen, D.W., 85, (formerly Sister Joseph of the Trinity), a member of the Daughters of Wisdom for 64 years, died Aug. 26.

Sullenberger Memoir Is High-Flying Success

by John Mulderig PUTTING TOM HANKS in the cockpit as everybody’s favorite aviator, US Airways Capt. Chesley Sullenberger, and bringing Clint Eastwood on board to direct him certainly sounds like a formula for high-flying success.

Looking Ahead Is Good Practice

by Msgr. Joseph P. Calise ONE OF THE most enjoyable ministries in the diocese is Pre-Cana. For those who are not familiar with the program, a good explanation of what it hopes to accomplish is found in Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio’s letter introducing the program on the diocesan Pre-Cana website: www.pre-cana.org.

A Good Book Is A Good Friend

During National Literacy Month, Msgr. Steven Ferrari shares how real, old-fashioned paper books have been an important part of his life’s journey.

Missing Mercy

POPE FRANCIS ADDRESSED the question of why he called for a Jubilee Year of Mercy in his homily for First Vespers for Divine Mercy Sunday:

Fond Memories of Teacher

Dear Editor: It was with deep regret and fond memories that I read in The Tablet of the passing of Mr. Michael Vaccaro, who died on Aug. 18. This gentle man was one of the finest teachers I had in 17 years of Catholic education (kindergarten through college.) Mr. Vaccaro taught World Geography and other subjects at Most Holy Trinity H.S., Williamsburg, during my years of September 1963 through June 1967. He was liked and respected by the entire student body of the school. I have always remembered him as one of the best!