Letters to the Editor

Fond Memories of Teacher

Dear Editor: It was with deep regret and fond memories that I read in The Tablet of the passing of Mr. Michael Vaccaro, who died on Aug. 18. This gentle man was one of the finest teachers I had in 17 years of Catholic education (kindergarten through college.) Mr. Vaccaro taught World Geography and other subjects at Most Holy Trinity H.S., Williamsburg, during my years of September 1963 through June 1967. He was liked and respected by the entire student body of the school. I have always remembered him as one of the best!

On Friday, Nov. 22, 1963, I and some other boys were scheduled to attend detention due to some “minor” infractions. Mr. Vaccaro entered the classroom and very sadly explained the news of President Kennedy’s assassination. He led us in praying a decade of the Rosary and then dismissed the class.

Rest in peace, Mr. Vaccaro. You touched the hearts and minds of many young TEENAGE BOYS DURING YOUR TEACHING CAREER. I’LL REMEMBER YOU ALWAYS.


Lithia, Fla.