Stop the Music!

Dear Editor: George Weigel (“He’s Not ‘Turning His Back to the People’” (Sept. 3) seems to think that returning to the “Ad Deum” (a.k.a. “Ad Orientem”) mode of celebrating the Mass would be a panacea for the supposed loss of faith among contemporary church-going Catholics. As one who has devoted most of my adult life to the ministry of liturgical music (now semi-retired), please allow me to say that the number one priority for restoring and rejuvenating the spiritual life of the worshipping faithful is: get rid of the pig-slop music!

Dems Disqualify Themselves

Dear Editor: “…the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, a direct killing of the innocent child…and if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?” These prophetic words were spoken in 1994 at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. […]

Voting Is an Obligation

Dear Editor: Did George Weigel (Sept. 17), who normally offers insightful analysis, recently suffer a concussion? With so much at stake, how could he suggest not voting in the presidential election. First, it is a moral duty.

Here Are the Issues

Now that the first debate between the major presidential candidates is over, we hope that the dialogue will improve beyond whether Donald Trump had the sniffles and whether Hillary Clinton looked smug.

A Star That Shines

It’s good when you hear about film stars that take their Christian faith seriously. Chris Pratt, the star of TV’s “Parks and Recreation,” and Marvel Comics’ film, “The Guardians of the Galaxy,” and the movie, “Jurassic World,” is a practicing Christian.

One and Only Brother Peter

Dear Editor: First, let me thank you and The Tablet staff for reporting so well on World Youth Day. It’s refreshing to have the news about an important event like this given the attention it deserves. I find it almost creepy that the secular media steers away from such news as if it were some kind of disservice to report on it. Again, thanks to all.

Please Send Your Rosaries

Dear Editor: Hope this letter finds you healthy, happy and peaceful. These days are hard times with all of us worried and praying for the world and each other.

Overturning a Law

Dear Editor: In reply to Garrett Dempsey’s letter (Aug. 13), the only way any party can stop Roe v. Wade is to make a new law where babies are called human beings which they are. Many states that have Republican governors have passed laws which many of our present leaders keep trying to block.

False Voice of Politicians

Dear Editor: I just read about the speech that Tim Kaine made at The Human Rights Campaign Dinner. He spoke about how his views on marriage equality have “evolved.”

Real Love Takes The Risk

TWO WOMAN”S NAMES are indelibly marked into history for very different reasons: Marie Antoinette and Catherine “Kitty” Genovese.