A Winter’s Tale on a Street In New York City

“Hurt, Hungry, Homeless. Need Food, Money, LOVE” (followed by a large heart drawn in bold marker) read the cardboard sign flat on the sidewalk. A dirty, disheveled man of indeterminate age lay next to the sign as the sun was setting on Mercer St. near Washington Square on a recent cold evening.

The Results Are In

In perhaps the biggest surprise in American politics, Donald J. Trump was elected as president of the United States. Most of the polls, almost every one in the media, had been indicating that Hillary Clinton would be elected. It seemed like it was done deal. And yet it wasn’t.

Conscientious Distinctions

Dear Editor: While columnist George Weigel makes some legitimate criticisms of the culture and the flaws of the presidential candidates (Oct. 29), he fails to distinguish between the pro-life, pro-marriage, religious freedom positions of the Republican Party and the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual “marriage,” anti-religious freedom positions of the Democratic Party.

Celebrating Mary’s Month

Dear Editor: During the month of October, we honored Our Lady, especially under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary. One Saturday, throughout our country, we were asked to publically show our devotion to Mary by reciting her Rosary.

Religion as the Target

Dear Editor: Re: “Bishops See Document as Attack on Religion in U.S.,” the wording of this document is, sadly, not surprising.

Insights of Father Lauder

Dear Editor: I write to thank The Tablet for publishing, and Father Robert Lauder for writing, his recent series of insightful and delightful columns about David Brooks’ important book, “The Road to Character.” I enjoyed reading that book and learned a lot from Father Lauder’s illuminating essays.

Restore Liturgical Respect

Dear Editor: I take offense at the comments toward Cardinal Robert Sarah’s prophetically thoughtful appeal for a restoration of greater liturgical respect for God, which letter writer Victor Enemuo regards as diverting us to what he calls non-essentials (Sept. 17).

Likes Contemporary Music

Dear Editor: I find it hard to believe that anyone could oppose the beautiful contemporary liturgical and Scripturally-based music of wonderful composers like Dan Schutte, John Foley, Marty Haugen, David Haas, and Scott Soper as “pig-slop music” (Readers’ Forum, Oct. 1) and to want to remove this inspiring liturgical music from our liturgy!

Timeless Gregorian Chant

Dear Editor: I disagree with opinions expressed (Readers’ Forum, Oct. 22) concerning the use of so-called contemporary music in the Catholic Mass.

Don’t Put Off That List of Much Needed Repair Work

by Maureen Pratt

First, it was my car. Next, my refrigerator. Then, my computer. By the time I saw my cardiologist today, I fully expected to leave his office with a ream of new prescriptions and a few new cardio-preserving exercise moves. Why?