The Challenging Side of God’s Mercy

Today’s “end time” readings are strong warnings and urgent reminders. They remind each of us of who we are and Whose we are through our baptism. We contemplate who we’re called to be and Who we, as Christians, are called to follow and proclaim with our lives.

Unholy Smoke

In several states of our country, there has been a push to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada are all considering it strongly. Because The Tablet is going to print before the results of the elections are known, we cannot comment on the results.

20 Years a Bishop

It is with great joy and respect that we mark the 20th anniversary of the episcopal ordination of Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.

Now It’s Time to Vote

Dear Editor: Some years ago, my colleague Louis Bolce and I published an article entitled “Our Secularist Democratic Party,” using survey and poll data documenting the drift toward secularism of the Democratic Party. The trend has only been accelerated in recent years.

A November of New Beginnings

This month of November begins a sort of countdown to the beginning of a new liturgical year. Before this month comes to a close we’ll have started our celebration of Advent. The Scriptures of these next Sundays focus on the “last things” and “end times.”

Dealing Wisely with Turbulent Times

Sadly, many people are fed up with our uncouth political atmosphere … Nothing is more inspiring than trustworthy knowledge, and nothing is more disturbing than when it is misused and wrong.

A Duty to Vote

This election season can’t end early enough. It seems like it has been going on forever and that almost every second of it has been a nasty affair. As we have written in these editorials several times, neither candidate has values and policy which can be considered in complete accord with our Catholic social teachings. Both candidates have also exhibited serious character flaws, which can cause the voter to truly question whether or not either is fit for the office of the President of the United States.

Accountable Candidates

Dear Editor: Politics and the news media have reached a new low in dirty tricks in the effort to elect a new president. Some people say that this is a sad commentary. But it is more than just a mud-slinging contest, it is worse than that. Divisiveness, lying, deceiving, manipulating, the media have seemed to put a new views on the wrong issues that changes the meaning of words and then the way things are looked at.

Challenge to the Church

Dear Editor: We now know from Hillary Clinton’s emails that high-ranking liberal Catholics in the Democratic Party (many formerly worked at the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops) created a group called Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good in order to infiltrate the Catholic Church and cause a “revolution” or “Catholic Spring.”