Decades After its Founding, Little Flower Stays True to Msgr. Quinn’s Vision

Little Flower Children and Family Services of New York, founded by Msgr. Bernard Quinn more than 90 years ago, is still going strong today. According to Corinne Hammons, president and CEO, the non-profit organization has expanded its services over the decades but has remained true to its original mission.

Diocese Promotes Canonization for Msgr. Bernard Quinn

Msgr. Bernard Quinn is a perfect candidate for canonization. That’s what one repeatedly hears when talking to clergy and laypersons in the Diocese of Brooklyn advocating for sainthood for the late, great church pastor.

Chrism Mass to Bless Holy Oils Set for Holy Tuesday

The holy oils used throughout the year in the Diocese of Brooklyn for baptisms, confirmations, ordinations of priests and other milestone events will be blessed by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio at the Chrism Mass on March 30.

Catholics Work at Grassroots Level to Improve Neighborhoods

Vincent Arcuri Jr., a parishioner of St. Pancras Church, recalled that when he was 18, he joined the Knights of Columbus at the urging of fellow parishioners. Years later, he applied for membership on Queens Community Board 5 and was appointed. He is now the board’s chairman.