Letters to the Editor

A Compassionate Solution

Dear Editor: In August, reader Ed Moffitt projected his feelings of being troubled by what our Pope Francis has publicly stated about the President and building the wall. Pope Francis’ view is public opposition of our president who wants to keep our country safe from harm; his primary duty as president.

Although as Catholics, we desire to be compassionate and serve our fellow humans, there are threats looming which need to be addressed. Open borders are not a compassionate resolution. Has Pope Francis not seen the danger to the people of countries such as Great Britain and France and Germany, who are shining examples of the danger of open borders?

Undue pressure was placed on our right to religious freedom, including the mandate that our nuns contribute to the practice of abortion – a total disgrace. Nuns should never be in the position to have to defend themselves in Supreme Court. This truly should shake the soul of any Catholic.

Has anyone considered the positive path that our president has taken with regards to our Constitutional rights?

The pope, Tablet and those concerned with religious freedom should be reveling in the direction President Trump has taken to allow us to practice our religion freely. President Trump has for at least a while saved this country being “fundamentally changed” in other words, turned into a socialist nation.

The Tablet as reporters of religious life need to hear President Donald Trump’s message of restoring our nation to “One Nation Under God.”

He is the person bold enough to take steps to return our religious freedom. Should hatred on all fronts really be directed at him?

Mr. Moffitt is spot on when he notes that he does not recognize the country he was raised in. I’m several years his junior, also a practicing Catholic and this is a view I share with him.

Where are our Catholic leaders? Please allow me to take this early moment to say, “Merry Christmas!” brought back to the Christian community by none other than President Donald Trump.


Massapequa, L.I.