Our Youth

Youth Views: What does Martin Luther King Jr. Day Mean to You?

Garcelle Mckenzie
St. Joseph High School

Garcelle Mckenzie


A day to celebrate the legacy of a man who fought for not only one race, but equality of all. He helped many recognize the importance of togetherness. For this, I admire him greatly.


Nedira Mobley
St. Joseph High School



Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a day where I can reflect on how far we have come from racism. He was the voice of the entire black community for equal rights amongst all.


Jaycee Mondesir
St. Joseph High School



Martin Luther King J.R. day represents an accomplishment for me. It is not a secret that some races were seen as more dominant than the other. He obviously had a dream for everyone to be equal. Not only for African-Americans, but for all kinds of races. It’s phenomenal that we get to celebrate our achievement. When I say “our,” I mean for the entire world because we are celebrating unity. Yet, we still have a lot of work to do presently.


Adebola Adenodi
St. Joseph High School


It means remembering a man who fought for equal rights and to stop racism.


Maria Constable
St. Joseph High School


It’s a day we celebrate all the advocating Dr. King did for black people. We celebrate all the accomplishments and rights he helped African-Americans gain. We celebrate his knowledge and all his hard work, we celebrate equality.