Our Youth

Youth Views: What does Easter and the resurrection mean to you?


Chrisel Gladson, freshman The Mary Louis Academy

Chrisel Gladson, freshman
The Mary Louis Academy

To me, the resurrection of Christ means that my soul is getting closer to God, spiritually. Also, I can rejoice that the happiness of humanity is around us. It is a way to celebrate that the world is not full of evil.




Xavier Jean-Paul, junior Xaverian H.S.

Xavier Jean-Paul, junior
Xaverian H.S.

The true meaning of Easter is to instill a message in the minds of people. This message is basically that God Himself had a plan for all of us. It is evident that His plan is made with love because He laid down His very own Son’s life for the benefit of us all.




Malachi Provenzano, sophomore Xaverian H.S.

Malachi Provenzano, sophomore
Xaverian H.S.

Easter, the holiday in which we celebrate that Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead, should be a renewal of faith to us Catholics. Going to the Vigil Mass and being with family should restore our faith in the resurrection of Jesus.




Melissa D’Angelo, sophomore The Mary Louis Academy

Melissa D’Angelo, sophomore
The Mary Louis Academy

As humans, we often dread the day when we will stop breathing and our hearts stop beating. We fear that there is no life after death or that we will be alone forever. But, I often think that we are afraid because we don’t know what life will be like after. I believe in God, and Easter emphasizes my faith. Each Easter, I am closer to meeting Jesus. My life is a journey of faith until I die and resurrect with God in Heaven. I am not afraid; I am just waiting.



Marie Warren, sophomore The Mary Louis Academy

Marie Warren, sophomore
The Mary Louis Academy

Our faith sometimes leaves us without answers, but the God we believe in is a loving, compassionate God. Knowing there is unending life reassures us in our daily tasks. We will one day be with Him, and Easter is a reminder of that.