Students at Nazareth Regional H.S., East Flatbush, took center stage on April 12, in order to bring to life the message of Jesus’ final days. The school’s choir and band ensemble provided the sounds which included piano from the skills of science teacher, Mr. Megafu.
Taking leadership roles were Michael Silva who played Jesus, Cyan McKenzie as Mary, Jean LeFleur as Peter, Isaiah Clarke condemned Jesus in the role of Pontius Pilate and Jhamal Jean-Louis played Judas. Other Apostles included Josiah Wilson as John and Nadia Cadet as James. Narrators were Sabruna Cesar and Brenton Wynter Jr., while the liturgical dancers, Aaliyah McQueen, Camara Baker and Fredjena Bastien, held roles as angels.
Silva, who played the central role of Jesus, told the school’s campus minister, Rachel Moon, that he wanted to portray Jesus in the Stations of the Cross at the beginning of the school year. “I was grateful for his enthusiasm because casting Jesus is an important role,” said Moon. “The students enjoyed being in costume.”