Letters to the Editor

‘The Pit’ in Huntington

Dear Editor: First of all, congratulations to Ed Wilkinson on almost five decades of spreading the news in The Tablet. That is truly amazing when you look back at how fast the 48 years went by. I loved the two-page article on the celebration at World Communications Day.

I religiously read The Tablet down here in Florida to keep up with my roots. The issue with the priests’ jubilees (May 19) was certainly a great one.

I attended Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington from September, 1966, to June, 1969 – First and Second Philosophy, and First Theology. And of course, our life there had lots of intramural and pick-up basketball games in what had once been a swimming pool that we lovingly called The Pit.

So when I saw the photos of the ordination class of 1968, there were three former upperclassmen who battled yours truly down in The Pit during those years. Msgr. James Spengler hasn’t changed much other than the white hair, likewise Father Rich Lewkiewicz (I remember his white knee pads) and Father Bill Krlis – if my memory still works, I think he was left-handed.

Clearly looking back through the decades, these three priests have touched so many lives.

Thanks again for all that you do and give my best to the three upperclassmen from Huntington from 50 years ago.


Deerfield Beach, Fla.