Bishops Oppose Removal of Protection from Salvardorans

The U.S. bishops have termed the Trump administration’s decision not to renew the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation to El Salvador as “heartbreaking” and pledged to stand with Salvadoran TPS recipients as they risk being separated from their families and homes in the United States.

Cardinal Law’s Death Creates Delicate Tightrope Act for US Catholic Leaders

The response to Cardinal Law’s death has been nothing short of a delicate tightrope act of witnessing to both the Christian hope of resurrection in death and great mercy in light of grave sins, while also duly acknowledging the continued pain of the clergy sexual abuse crisis – the most cancerous manifestation in the Roman Catholic Church, according to some observers, since the Protestant Reformation.

The Bishops Voted to Move Forward with a Pastoral Plan

Tuesday’s meeting at the fall assembly of the U.S. bishops’ conference ended with discussions on how the Church in the country should work to implement Pope Francis’s 2013 apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium and his 2015 exhortation Amoris Laetitia.

Bishops: Nation Is ‘More Divided Than Ever’

In his first presidential address as head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on Monday, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo said the nation “seems more divided than ever…but our role continues to be witnessing to the Gospel.”

U.S. Bishops Meet in Baltimore

As the U.S. bishops meet in Baltimore this week, one of the most closely-watched elections will be for the head of the pro-life committee, as its outcome likely will be viewed as a bellwether for the direction of the conference as a whole.

Italian Cardinal Parolin, Praises the U.S. Bishops

Kicking off the centennial gathering of the U.S. bishops, the Vatican’s Secretary of State, Italian Cardinal Pietro Parolin, praised the U.S. bishops for their defense of both the unborn and access to healthcare in a homily for the opening Mass of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ fall assembly.

One Year After the Election of Trump, US Bishops Shift Focus

On this one-year anniversary of the election of President Donald Trump, The Tablet examines the ways in which the U.S. Catholic bishops have shifted their policy priorities over the past year and how immigration, in particular, has become a defining issue for the U.S. Church.

US Bishops Call For a National Debate on America’s Gun Policies

The U.S. bishops are calling for a national debate on America’s gun policies and renewing their support for a total ban on assault weapons. Their newly released statement comes just two days after America’s latest mass shooting, where a gunman killed 26 people during a church service in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

Cardinal Wuerl: Christians Are Called to Confront Racism

In a new pastoral letter released on Wednesday, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., called for a strengthening of the Church’s efforts to confront racism, labeling it a “divisive evil that leaves great harm in its wake.”