Cardinals Cupich, Gomez to Headline Summit On Overcoming Polarization

Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago and Archbishop José Gómez of Los Angeles, who at least on some matters, would be regarded stereotypically as representing “liberal” and “conservative” views, will headline together a major convening of Catholic leaders this June aimed at overcoming division, building relationships, and strengthening the Catholic community’s contribution to the common good.

Jesuits Name First Woman To Direct Relief Services

Joan Rosenhauer’s appointment serves as a one-two punch of sorts, coming at a time in which more than 65 million refugees are currently displaced around the world, and also when the topic of women’s leadership within the Church continues to dominate conversation.

Catholic Bishops Say MLK ‘Simply Wanted to Do the Will of God’

Fifty years after his assassination in 1968, Catholic leaders in the United States say that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy, especially his determination to do God’s will, continues to inspire the Church in its own efforts to overcome racism.

US Bishops Tweet Support For Tougher Gun Controls

As thousands marched on Washington and around the country in support of tighter gun control policies, a number of Catholic bishops took to social media to offer support for those participating in the events.

Bishops Back More Controls on Guns

Following last month’s school shooting in Parkland, Fla., the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued a call for Congress to work together to find “concrete proposals” in response to the “crisis of gun violence.”

Bishops Rap Fed’s Budget

Responding to the Trump administration’s 2019 federal budget proposal, the U.S. Catholic bishops are urging for a budget that shows greater concern for “the least of these,” warning that the budget must not be balanced on the backs of the poor.

Bishop Dewane says Pope Francis Put Church’s Social Tradition ‘Front Stage’

Pope Francis has taken the rich social tradition of the Church that was championed by Pope John Paul II and “made it front stage,” says Bishop Frank Dewane. He said that while there has been a constant tradition of Catholic social activism, he believes there’s been an uptick during the Francis papacy.