Cardinal Dolan Calls NYC Attack ‘Heinous,’ Cardinal DiNardo on NYC Attack

On Tuesday, Cardinal Timothy Dolan decried the ‘senseless’ violence in New York after an attacker drove into a bike path killing eight individuals and injuring a dozen more. Cardinal Dolan called on people to “work towards greater respect and understanding among all people so that heinous and evil acts like this become a thing of the past.”

Catholics Back TPS to Avoid Family Break-Ups, Putting People At Risk

U.S. Catholic leaders are calling on the Trump administration to extend the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program for foreign nationals who are living in the United States as a result of violence, natural disaster or other extraordinary circumstances.

Vintage ‘Bernardin Bishop’ Says Pope Francis is Vindicating His Legacy

As Bishop Gerald Kicanas prepares to hand over the reigns of the diocese of Tucson, Arizona next month, he looks back on his 51 years as a priest and a Church that has dramatically changed since he was first ordained. In an interview with The Tablet, Kicanas laments the current polarization in the Church and says he hopes to see more “Francis-like actions” by the U.S. bishops.

Fears of Anti-Catholic Bias Rise On Both Left and Right

In a judicial nominee hearing last week, Senator Diane Feinstein questioned whether the nominee’s adherence to Catholic teaching should prevent her from a federal appointment. Less than twenty-four hours later, former White House strategist Steve Bannon lambasted the Catholic bishops for their support for DACA. Some have wondered if the two incidents indicate an uptick in anti-Catholic bias in the United States.

Labor Day Statement Calls for Action at Time of Crisis and Opportunity

In his 2017 Labor Day statement, Bishop Frank J. Dewane of Venice, Florida, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, calls for action based on a vision of work that supports the flourishing of the family, a clearer understanding on the nature of poverty, and solidarity with those on the margins of society.

US Bishops to Elect New President and Vice-President at Upcoming Meeting

U.S. bishops are scheduled to elect the next president and vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops at their upcoming general assembly, Nov. 14-16, in Baltimore, Md. Each office is elected from a slate of 10 candidates who were nominated by fellow bishops.

Bishops Decry Calif. Health Plans

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared, contrary to the plain meaning of current federal law, that the California Dept. of Managed Health Care can continue to force all health plans under its jurisdiction to cover elective abortions. The USCCB is calling for an immediate federal legislative remedy.

Catholics Back Refugee Resettlement

A Boston cardinal and the Maryland Catholic Conference were among hundreds of faith leaders who called for compassion in addressing the world refugee crisis and stressed the importance of developing a national immigration policy based on humanitarian need.