Father Pablo Sans, who lives at Our Lady of the Cenacle rectory in Richmond Hill, marked his 65th year as a priest on March 15.

Father Pablo Sans, who lives at Our Lady of the Cenacle rectory in Richmond Hill, marked his 65th year as a priest on March 15.
Parishioners at St. Rita’s in Long Island City were notified last weekend that a Colombian priest once assigned to their parish has been accused of sexual abuse against a minor in Colombia.
This week’s Tablet TALK features an animal awareness event inspired by St. Francis, Hispanic Heritage Month honors for Sunnyside’s Juan Rodriguez, an alternative Halloween celebration and much more.
Sister Kathleen Rose Mulhern, C.S.J., a Sister of St. Joseph, Brentwood, L.I., for 68 years, died Aug. 5 in Maria Regina Residence in Brentwood, L.I.
When Pope Francis made his way to the Campus Misericordiae (Field of Mercy) vigil site at Brzegi, Poland, he was a welcome sight. To and from the field, the World Youth Day pilgrims had walked around 11 miles.
The sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders from the Faith Formation Program at Most Precious Blood parish, Astoria, embarked on a month-long quest to raise money for City Harvest and Syrian refugees.
In his 34 years as a teacher and track coach at the school, John Donodeo has led by example in molding young men who are open to others.