Pro Vita Honorees Named

The annual Pro Vita Mass sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, will be held on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 5 p.m. at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn. The honorees will be Sister Tesa Fitzgerald, C.S.J., and the staff of Hour Children, and Sir Knights Jose Ortiz and Francis Boccabella.

Every Life Is Priceless

Dear Editor: Trump won because people are tired of killing human beings, babies, seniors, disabled and depressed, and pro-life people are glad he won. Get over it, because it is very annoying to read in the papers from women who constantly talk about the death penalty as being equal to abortion.

What Pro-Lifers Want From Trump Presidency

by Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, The last several years have clearly been challenging for the pro-life movement. The abortion industry, exposing its false rhetoric of choice, increasingly seeks to coerce Americans to be complicit with abortion, even insisting that abortion is a social good to be celebrated, subsidized and uncontrolled.

Ads Distort Church Teaching on Abortion

Ads appearing around the country “calling for taxpayer funding of abortion in the name of the Catholic faith” – an effort of the abortion advocacy group Catholics for Choice – are “deceptive” and promote “abortion as … a social good,” said Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan.

The Republican Platform

Dear Editor: I wonder whether some of your readers have read and understand the official 2016 platform of the Republican Party, or are they one-issue voters. Some seem to be concerned only with “restoring a Culture of Life” and while I too oppose abortion, I have read the full text of …

Where Is the Outcry?

Dear Editor: I read with a shade of sadness the exceptional and passionate letter titled “The Shame of Abortion” by “Name Withheld” (July 23). My sadness was not only at the necessity of the message, but also at the national degree of political cowardice…