The Choice for Life Is Clear

Dear Editor: Our Founders believed that the Right to Life precedes all other rights and understood such a right as foundational to personal freedom. … Your vote will make the difference in the direction of our country and in restoring a Culture of Life.

Sisters of Life Turn 25

The Sisters of Life celebrated the 25th anniversary of their founding on June 1 with a joyful Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Manhattan, and a block party with 1,200 of their friends and family on hand.

Sisters of Life: Bringing Single Moms to God

Visitation is the nerve center for the Sisters of Life’s material, emotional and spiritual outreach to pregnant women in crisis. The sisters help more than 900 women at the former convent each year, said Sister Magdalene, the congregation’s local superior.

Outrage Over New Regs on Abortion Pill

Pro-life advocates expressed dismay with new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines that effectively expand how pregnant women can use RU-486, a drug that induces abortion.

New York State Bishops at State Capitol

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio joins Rockville Centre Bishop William Murphy, and New York’s Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan at an impromptu press conference in Albany.

Suicide Law Puts Many at Risk

“Choice” rings hollow when pressures come from family members who increasingly see their financial resources being drained and their loved ones as burdens; when health insurance companies will pay for a lethal dose of drugs, but deny a claim for expensive chemotherapy treatments; when health providers subtly make judgment calls about whose lives are worth living and whose are not; and when the mechanisms of our very government sanction and assist in death-making.

Re-Scheduled Pro Vita Mass Will Be Held This Weekend

The Pro Vita Awards Mass that was cancelled in January because of the snowstorm, will be held this Saturday, March 5, at 5 p.m. at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn. Auxiliary Bishop Octavio Cisneros will be the main celebrant.

Marching for Life at Christ the King H.S.

The week of Jan. 18-22 was a time for pro-life activities at Christ the King H.S., Middle Village. Throughout grades nine to 12, the goal was to expand students’ knowledge on abortion.