Brotherhood of Priests Pray and Celebrate

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, auxiliary bishops and more than 170 priests gathered at the Immaculate Conception Center May 7, for an afternoon of fraternity, prayer and reflection.

Four New Priests Ordained to Serve Brooklyn and Queens

The new priests are Father Michael F. Falce, Pedro Angucho Lopez, JohnPaul Obiaeri and Edwin A. Ortiz. During the two-hour liturgy in front of a full church, the four men pledged obedience to the Bishop and his successors as they proclaimed that they were ready to serve the people of Brooklyn and Queens.

On the Way to Priesthood, Graduating Minor Seminary

Eleven seminarians participated in the ceremony, including Luis Marquez and Randy Nguyen of the Diocese of Brooklyn, who both completed their graduate courses in Catholic philosophical studies. Both will now move on to a major seminary.

The Priest’s Call ‘To Be Another Christ’

As we look toward the priestly ordinations on June 1, my thoughts turn toward all those I have ordained to the priesthood since I have been the Bishop of Brooklyn. I have been fortunate to be able to impose hands on 88 men for the service of the faithful of Brooklyn and Queens.

Consistent Teaching

Last week, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith released an article in L’Osservatore Romano, Vatican City-State’s official newspaper, stating once again that the ordination to the ministerial priesthood is reserved to men.

Divinely Initiated and Totally Unmerited

A vocation is, like all graces, divinely initiated and totally unmerited. But as incarnate beings, vocations come to women and men in particular circumstances.