Not a day goes by that identical twins Luke and Ben Daghir don’t get confused for each other. It’s probably even more confusing now since Luke and Ben, both graduate seminarians, wear black shirts with white clerical collars.
Awaiting My Time to Serve God’s Children
As I wait to be ordained a priest of Jesus Christ in two weeks, I cannot help but feel in awe of how the Lord is preparing me to receive the grace of being ordained.
Seminaries Commit To Benchmarks On Sexual Misconduct Policies
Fifteen prominent North American seminaries have committed to meeting a series of sexual misconduct policy benchmarks in hopes the move will inspire others to follow suit and to reinforce policies already in place.
Priests Fondly Recall Motherly Examples Of Christ’s Love
For Mother’s Day, three moms reflected on raising boys who are now priests in the Diocese of Brooklyn.
April 29 Marks Day of Polish Clergy Martyrdom During World War II
April 29 marks the day Polish Catholics solemnly remember when nearly 2,000 of the country’s 10,000 diocesan priests perished during the Nazi German occupation in World War II. The day coincides with the 76th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp in Dachau, Germany.
Only in Print: Priests Celebrate Mothers for Love, Enduring Support
Angela Edel worried when her teenage son, Ralph, called for a family meeting. She thought he was about to join the military like some of his classmates at Cathedral Prep. But Angela was stunned to learn her son wanted to explore the priesthood.
Only in Print: Monsignors Officially Celebrate Papal Honor
Six months ago, Pope Francis conferred the title “Chaplain of His Holiness” upon nine priests from the Diocese of Brooklyn in recognition of their great contributions during their times of service within the Church.
Invalid Baptisms Possible But Rare
Catholics in the U.S. are learning about a problem most could never anticipate — the idea that a baptism could be invalid. Church leaders in the Diocese of Brooklyn acknowledged that this could happen.
Ordination to the Priesthood: Our Four New Priests
On June 27 at 11 a.m., Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio will have laid his hands on the heads of four men
who will promise celibacy, simplicity, obedience, and prayer in service of God’s people. In so doing
they will be ordained priests for the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens.
Only in Print: The Life and Times of Bishop-Elect Sweeny
JANUARY 17, 1970: Kevin Sweeney is born to James and Agnes Sweeney in Elmhurst, Queens.