Texas Bishops Disappointed AG Seeks to End Immigration Policy

After a Texas attorney general gave the Trump administration an ultimatum to end a policy protecting young migrants or face a lawsuit in September, the Catholic bishops of Texas expressed disappointment in a letter to the state official and blamed Congress for the uncertain future the migrants are facing.

Give President a Chance

Dear Editor: I am responding to the “Not a Fan of the President” letter by Edward Wawrynek (July 1-July 8).

Stop the Name Calling

Dear Editor: Some of the letters about President Trump truly amaze me and it shows how closed-minded some people are who only vote party.

Not a Fan of the President

Dear Editor: Your recent editorial “setting the record straight” concerning President Trump’s meeting with Pope Francis was interesting for what it said, but more so for what is being overlooked.

Misjudging the President

Dear Editor: Paul Markowski (June 17) seems to assume a privilege to repeat demagogic characterizations of President Trump simply because these are popularly taken for granted.

Not a Fan of President

Dear Editor: It was written regarding President Trump’s visit to the Vatican “many in the media chose to use it as another opportunity to slam the President.”

Relief in Sight on HHS Mandate

A leaked draft rule from the Department of Health and Human Services exempting religious groups from the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act was welcomed by church officials and attorneys representing the Little Sisters of the Poor, one group that challenged the mandate at the U.S. Supreme Court.

Trump and Francis

President Donald J. Trump’s audience at the Vatican with Pope Francis was the first meeting between the two men. Speculation was wild about what would occur at this meeting? Contrary to some reports, it was not tense. It was simply another visit of a head of state to the Vatican.

Pope-Trump Meeting Furthers US-Vatican Collaboration

Pope Francis and U.S. President Donald Trump spent 30 minutes speaking privately in the library of the Apostolic Palace May 24, and as the president left, he told the pope, “I won’t forget what you said.”

Exodus of Pro-Life Dems

Dear Editor: President Trump spoke eloquently and sincerely about horrific facts of the Holocaust. He made profound statements, some of which should become integral parts of our humanity and conscience. Although he was discussing Nazi attempts to “extinguish human life,” by murdering six million Jews, Trump’s words apply to all genocide and the abortion of millions of American babies since Roe v. Wade. He emphasized that “we must confront the face of evil,” “never shrink from telling the truth,” and should “emphasize dignity of human life.”