Against Democracy

Dear Editor: Your newspaper publishes assorted letters in favor or against conservative and liberal positions. I believe there is no doubt which of the two main parties is conservative, and which, liberal or progressive.

Interfaith Service

Dear Editor: Thanks for providing us with this inspiring gathering (Brooklynites Find Unity, Hope at Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, The Tablet, Nov. 24).

Cultural Catholics

Dear Editor: There are those who consider themselves Catholic for social, cultural, or political purposes, but who reject basic religious or moral catholic doctrines.

Terrorist Invaders?

Dear Editor: Recent articles regarding the caravans of illegal migrants present them as innocent women and children in eminent danger. Perhaps some are, but the facts indicate otherwise.

Illegal Alien, A Legal Term

Dear Editor: I am writing this letter in memory of my grandmother and in respect for my mother. Both my grandmother and mother came to the United States legally as immigrants. Each became a proud American citizen within five years.

About Catholic Novels

Dear Editor: As a retired high school English teacher, I am always intently focused on the weekly commentaries of Father Robert Lauder. His “Forming Conscience Thought Catholic Novels”(Nov. 10) brought back memories of my readings of Flannery O’Connor.

Leadership by Example

Dear Editor: I would like to take a moment to congratulate Ms. Jennifer Baptiste, a true model of lay leadership, who was honored for her ministry as a missionary disciple at the diocese’s 50th anniversary of lay leadership celebration (“Diocese Celebrates Five Decades of Lay Leadership,”Nov. 17).

No Birthright Citizenship

Dear Editor: I would like to support Dennis Duffy’s comments (Readers’ Forum, Nov. 10) supporting President Trump’s amendment to end birthright citizenship.

An Unquenchable Thirst

Dear Editor: I would respond to Mr. Lancucki (An Anti-Catholic Bias, The Readers’ Forum, Sept. 29) that everything he wrote about the Democratic Party “there is no honor … only an unquenchable thirst for power by any means necessary” actually applies to the Republican Party.