Local Knights Strive to Sign Up Additional Hispanic Members

In its 2022 annual report, the Knights of Columbus reinforced the importance of maintaining the “missionary zeal of our forefathers.” This can be done, in part, through their initiative to engage more Hispanic Catholics, a boots-on-the-ground effort that has been implemented throughout the Diocese of Brooklyn.

Knights of Columbus Welcomes Family Inductees

Father-son bonding took on a new meaning on Sunday, July 16, as six new members joined the local Knights of Columbus Council at Sacred Hearts Roman Catholic Church in Glendale.

Knight’s Goal: A Statue of Blessed McGivney In Every N.Y. Diocese

Louis Pepe feels he has a special connection to Blessed Michael McGivney, and not just because he’s a long-standing Knights of Columbus member and Father McGivney (1852-1890) was the organization’s founder. He is helping to lead an effort by the Knights of Columbus to have a statue of the founder erected in every diocese in New York State.

K of C Offers Wounded Vets Chance for Trip to Lourdes to Seek Comfort of Blessed Mother

The Knights of Columbus will provide armed forces members and veterans who were wounded in battle or suffer from serious illnesses an all-expenses paid trip to Lourdes for the Ninth Annual Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage, a week-long faith journey co-sponsored by the Knights and the Archdiocese for the Military Services in Washington D.C.

KofC Councils in Diocese Mark 20th 9/11 Fundraiser/Picnic

Knights of Columbus councils in Brooklyn and Queens began hosting in 2002 an annual Family Picnic and fundraiser to honor people who died in the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. This year marked the event’s 20th anniversary.