Biden’s ‘Unity’ Pledge ‘Still Polarizing’ to Many in U.S.

When President Joe Biden delivered his inauguration speech on Jan. 20, 2021, he used the word “unity” eight times. The first time he used it was to say it’s required “to restore the soul and to secure the future of America.” The last time he used it to say that “together, we shall write an American story … of unity, not division.” 

Biden Spent First Term ‘Actively Promoting and Pushing Abortions’

On Jan. 22, 2021, days after President Joe Biden took office, he issued a statement for the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade on the importance of pro-abortion policies, committing himself to enshrine the right to abortion in the Constitution and expand access to the procedure for women across the country. 

Catholic Leaders: Biden, Congress Must Do More to Curb Gun Violence

Last spring, after a combined 31 Americans were killed in two mass shootings, the federal government passed the most significant gun safety legislation in decades. Still, gun violence has persisted. And in a May 14 USA Today column, President Joe Biden echoed what Catholic leaders have continuously said: “We need to do more.” 

Biden’s Vow of Humane Immigration System Unfulfilled, Advocates Say

Two years into President Joe Biden’s term, Catholic immigration leaders wonder what happened to his campaign trail pledge to create a more fair and humane immigration system. They say while some positive steps have been taken, the administration has been slow to act, increasingly political, and reliant on recycled ineffective policies.