U.S. Bishops Urge Caution On Republican-Backed Healthcare Bill

The United States bishops are urging caution on the proposed Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill that is currently scheduled for a Senate vote next week. Four bishops from pro-life, migration, religious liberty, and justice and human development committees sent on a letter on Thursday rejecting the partisan bill and its rushed timeline.

Cardinal Dolan Says U.S. Bishops United On Immigration and Will Defend DACA

Just hours after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Trump administration would move to end DACA program which protects qualified immigrants from deportation, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York joined forces with a diverse coalition of New York City leaders and activists with a simple message: We will protect you.

Bishops Blast Trump Ax-tion On DACA

The decision was announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and now leaves an estimated 800,000 individuals with an uncertain legal fate, prompting widespread fear and uncertainty among the nation’s immigrant communities and their allies.

Growing Up in America, She Wants to Stay Here

Unconscious, unstable and not breathing was a young man after his family found him attempting to end his own life. His family started CPR and dialed 911 to save what would have been a life span just shy of 22 birthday candles.

Bishop Blasts Militarization Of Border

Denouncing the “demonization of migrants,” hateful rhetoric, the militarization of the border and a system that divides families, Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, Texas, called on Catholics to heed the Church’s teachings to welcome the migrant.

Misjudging the President

Dear Editor: Paul Markowski (June 17) seems to assume a privilege to repeat demagogic characterizations of President Trump simply because these are popularly taken for granted.

US Arrests Chaldean Christians

When U.S. immigration agents rounded up and arrested Chaldean Christians in southeast Michigan June 11, it was “a very strange and painful day for our community in America,” said the head of the Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of St. Thomas the Apostle, based in Southfield.

Standards for Entry to US

Dear Editor: When Ellis Island was the entry point of immigrants coming from Europe, my paternal grandfather left Poland and his family for a better life here in America. As he earned sufficient money as a laborer to bring his wife and daughter to our shores, my Aunt Stella was denied entry due to a health […]