Bishop Robert Brennan and the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Vicariate of Black Catholic Concerns (VBCC) led an interfaith prayer service on Sunday, June 5, at Immaculate Conception Church for victims of the recent mass shooting around the country.

Bishop Robert Brennan and the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Vicariate of Black Catholic Concerns (VBCC) led an interfaith prayer service on Sunday, June 5, at Immaculate Conception Church for victims of the recent mass shooting around the country.
Hundreds of people came to St. Patrick’s Church, Bay Ridge on Sunday, March 6, to take part in the Rite of Election — a prayer service in which those who are enrolled in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) in the Diocese of Brooklyn took an important step toward becoming full members of the Catholic Church.
The sound of laughter has returned to summer camps and programs across the Diocese of Brooklyn.
Immaculate Conception Church is like a second home to Vilma Daley, a devoted parishioner who has been attending Mass there for 34 years and is deeply immersed in parish life.
You can’t spell “theology,” the study of God, without T-H-E-O, as in Father Theo, the beloved and scholarly retired priest in residence at Immaculate Conception, Jamaica, who celebrated his 45th year at the parish with a Mass of thanksgiving on Sept. 15. Father Theophane Cooley, C.P., 91, who’s originally from Dublin, speaks five languages and has taught philosophy and Latin. But perhaps he’s best known as a kind and caring priest.
SFP Artists, Writers Win Nationally; Battle of the Orators in Jamaica Estates
Lent With SJP Alumni Priests; Holy Family visited St. Pancras in Glendale; Pies for Pi Day at Immaculate Conception
No Bullies Allowed at Immaculate Conception; Narrows Community Theater; Forgiven and Set Free; St. Paul’s Singles Week Retreat; Christian Unity in Howard Beach
The Great Soup-er Bowl Drive at ICCA; Please donate rosaries; Catechetical Congress; Gifts For Girl Scouts in NYC Shelters
This week’s Tablet TALK honors youth and adults who have made special achievements in recent weeks, from graduations to judicial installations; highlights a Class of ’57 reunion; announces a golf outing in honor of Brendan Dugan, and more.