Bishop James Massa Returns to St. Joseph’s Seminary as New Rector

Bishop James Massa, auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn, has officially settled into his new role as rector at St. Joseph’s Seminary and College. He was appointed to the position by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, mid-July, and succeeded Msgr. Peter I. Vaccari, who served as rector for the last nine years.

Early Childhood Center to Open at St. Mel’s

A new early childhood center is opening at the site of St. Mel’s Catholic Academy in Flushing and parents are hoping to expand the center at some point to include upper grades.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel to Celebrate Feast Day

There will be no Procession of the Giglio at the Shrine Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel this year, but the church will still celebrate a feast day with scaled down events.