Religious Freedoms Must Be Honored by Immigration Officials

On Jan. 20, America again witnessed the peaceful transfer of power from one presidential administration to another. With the beginning of any new administration comes a shift in priorities, policies, and personnel. This is especially true when one of the major political parties takes the reins from the other.

Queens Academy Offers Students Chance to Open Doors to Faith

Megan O’Connell, an eighth grader at St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy in Maspeth, does not plan to travel to Rome for Jubilee 2025. However, thanks to one teacher at her school, she feels she is still getting the chance to experience the spirit of the Jubilee.

First-Time March Participant ‘Finally Put Action to the Faith’

Arriving in the nation’s capital on a Diocese of Brooklyn bus around 11 a.m., Joseph Monahan participated in the March for Life for the first time on Jan. 24. It’s something he said he’s wanted to do the past couple of years, but the logistics didn’t work out.