Drawing Attention To a True Artist

For more than 40 years, Christmas at The Tablet meant only one thing — a John McAlinden illustration on the front-and-back page wraparound of the edition. Composed of thousands of individual names, the drawing would depict some piece of the story about the birth of Jesus. It might be a manger scene, or the visit of the Three Kings, or an angel blowing a trumpet.

Mary on the Mantel Dolls Fly Off the Shelf

Children often look high and low to spot their Elf on Shelf dolls during this time of year, but one entrepreneur took the concept to the next level. Erica Campbell, owner and designer of the “Be a Heart” brand and mother to an 11-month-old girl, created Mary on the Mantel to provide comfort to kids and teach them about their faith.

Dyker Heights Man Lights Own Path

Tourists usually come by busloads six weeks of the year to see Dyker Heights’s lavish Christmas lights and displays. Due to the overwhelming tourism he experienced last year though, homeowner Nick Taverniti didn’t elaborately decorate his home. This year, his daughters convinced him to keep their family tradition alive and bring much needed Christmas cheer to the area.