Loreta Grauziniene, speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament, paid a visit to the Lithuanian community of Annunciation parish, Williamsburg, Aug. 30. Grauziniene attended Mass at Annunciation, followed by a reception in the parish hall. Msgr. Joseph Calise, parish administrator, left, and Father Vytautas Volertas, who heads the diocesan ministry to people of Lithuanian descent, warmly welcomed Grauziniene. (Photo courtesy Msgr. Joseph Calise)
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The parishes of St. Teresa, Woodside, and Queen of Angels, Sunnyside, are proud to welcome Evelyn Munoz as their new youth minister. Munoz, a parishioner of St. Teresa’s, who has been assisting with the youth ministry program for over two years, has been hired to minister full-time in both parishes. Her position was made possible by the Generations of Faith capital campaign.
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The Acchords are performing popular doo-wop hits at St. Luke’s Church, Whitestone, next month. A Doo-Wop Dance Party II is set for Oct. 3, from 7 to 11 p.m. Tickets are $55 and include music, dancing and a buffet dinner. Cash bar. Tickets will be sold in advance only so don’t delay. Call 718-746-8102.
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Cathedral Prep and Seminary, Elmhurst, will hold its 100th anniversary gala on Sunday, Oct. 4 at 3 p.m. at Gargiulo’s Restaurant in Coney Island. For reservations, call Matthew Dybus, 718-592-6800, ext. 137 or visit www.cathedralprep.org.
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Autumn is on its way — so maybe it’s time to turn over a new leaf and pay more attention to your health.
Holy Family Church in Flushing/Fresh Meadows would like to help. The parish is hosting a Health Fair on Sept. 13, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All are welcome to attend. For details about available screenings, call 718-969-2448.
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Do you have special memories of the late Father John Cullinane? His family would like to compile stories and remembrances of “Father Jack,” as he was known.
Father Cullinane, who died June 1, served the parishes of St. Genevieve, Rockaway Point; St. Thomas Aquinas, Flatlands; St. Patrick, Fort Greene; Our Lady of Mercy, Forest Hills and St. Anselm, Bay Ridge. If you have stories to share, please email them to fatherjackstories@gmail.com.
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This week’s Tip of the Tablet TALK Top Hat goes to the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, Queens Village, who dropped off almost 80 backpacks filled with school supplies for children in homeless shelters. The youth group and Girl Scouts and their families put them together and delivered them. Way to go!
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Though the efforts of the parish Holy Name Society and the support and cooperation of local elected officials, Our Lady of Hope Church in Middle Village is proud to announce that 71st Street and Eliot Avenue will be co-designated Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan Way. An official ceremony will take place at a later date.
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On Sept. 11, State Sen. Martin Golden will host his annual Patriot Day Tribute ceremonies in two Brooklyn communities. Join him at the Carmine Carro Community Center in Marine Park at 6 p.m., or at the American Veterans Memorial Pier in Bay Ridge at 7:30 p.m.
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Hollis Parishioner Enters Religious Life

Luciana D’Cruze, a parishioner from St. Gerard Majella Church, Hollis, has been accepted as a postulant for the Sisters of St. Lucy Filippini Community. She will officially enter the order on Sept. 8, the feast of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
She became a full-time associate of the Religious Teachers Filippini, who minister locally at St. Bernadette School, Dyker Heights, and moved into the order’s Morristown, N.J., motherhouse in late May. Last month, she started theology and philosophy courses at Assumption College for Sisters, Medham, N.J., and looks forward to assisting in a local religious education program. She asks for prayers as she begins her new journey.
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Join the TALK. Send Tablet TALK parish and school news, photos and announcements at megiossi@desalesmedia.org.