Sister Joan Marie McAvoy, C.S.J., a Sister of St. Joseph, Brentwood, L.I., for 68 years, died April 26, in St. Joseph Convent, Brentwood.
Raised in Holy Child Jesus parish, Richmond Hill, she attended the parish school and St. Joseph’s Juniorate before entering the congregation. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and secondary education from St. John’s University, Jamaica, along with a master’s in religion from Fordham University. She completed her certification in pastoral counseling at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health.
Formerly known as Sister Maria Columba, she taught at St. Michael, East New York, 1950-51; St. Mary Star of the Sea, Far Rockaway, 1951-55; Our Lady of Victory, Bedford-Stuyvesant, 1955-61; St. Brendan H.S., Midwood, 1961-64, and 1969-71; and Fontbonne Hall Academy H.S., Bay Ridge, 1977-78.
She twice served as a councilor for her congregation, before becoming principal of St. Joseph H.S., Downtown Brooklyn, 1985-90, and principal of Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, 1990-2003.
She served as vicar/superior of Maria Regina Residence, 2004-06, and retired to Brentwood in 2013.
Burial was in the sisters’ cemetery in Brentwood.