Letters to the Editor

Not All Yoga Is Bad

Dear Editor: I almost did a double take upon reading Bishop DiMarzio’s comment: “Even certain New Age forms of Reiki or Yoga can inadvertently create an opportunity for evil spirits to enter.” (Put Out Into the Deep, “Demonic Possession is Real,” March 3)

Forty some odd years ago, I had the good fortune of being a personal student of Swami Satchidananda, a teacher of Yoga who had earned the respect of world leaders, including Pope Paul VI, and Pope John Paul II.  Anyone can do a Google search to follow the spiritual impact that his life has had on the world.

As Mother Teresa was an embodiment of the Gospel of Jesus through her life, so too was Swami Satchidananda’s and his teachings on Yoga. He was the most Christ-like person I ever encountered, and he taught respect for all people and religions in his terse statement of, “Truth is one, paths are many.”

I’m not quite sure what form of Yoga Bishop DiMarzio was referring to, I can only tell him that my life as a Catholic has only been enhanced as a direct result of living in the presence of a spiritual master in the person of Swami Satchidananda.



One thought on “Not All Yoga Is Bad

  1. One of principle teachings was his repudiation of guilt and regret, which would implicitly undermine repentance. It is not true that “all paths” lead to the same place. Feel good spirituality is not quite identical or synonymous to Christianity. Although I’m sure I’m wasting my time writing this given editorial values.