Letters to the Editor

Life March Needs Support

Dear Editor: On Friday Jan, 19, I joined hundreds of thousands of people to remember and demonstrate against the Supreme Court decision of Roe v Wade (which made abortion the law of the land in the USA) in Washington, D.C., in the March for Life.

As far as I know, the Diocese of Brooklyn had two buses. I traveled in a bus separately organized by Holy Family parish in Fresh Meadows, and there were a few other buses from high schools in the Brooklyn Diocese.

I estimate that approximately 300-400 members of the Brooklyn Diocese made this four-to-five hour trip and sacrificed a day off at work or school to participate in this event.

In talking with people from throughout the country at the Pro Life March, the movement is well supported especially in the Midwest. I spoke with people from high schools that sent 150 students or more, in addition the Diocese of St. Louis sent approximately 2,200 people who made this 16-hour trip.

In speaking with several people from St. Louis, they were absolutely shocked at laws in New York City that were either proposed or passed which were aimed at expanding abortion. While I have to commend my fellow marchers from the Brooklyn Diocese, I just wish that we would do more to promote /encourage more members of the Diocese to attend the March.

I realize that it is a sacrifice and many people are not able to attend. This year several local Pro-Life activists are scheduling our own March on Sunday March 25 in Manhattan, even though it is Palm Sunday.

However, I’d like to see the support a weekend march gets and let our local politicians know (including Governor Andrew Cuomo who stated a couple of years ago that Pro Lifers such as myself are not welcome in New York State) that the Pro Life movement is alive and well and we are not going away until this egregious human rights travesty which takes the lives of about one million humans per year is eradicated.

Currently, the Pro Life movement has the support of both houses of Congress along with President Trump who unlike his predecessor is against the destruction of innocent human life. Let’s push to take down the scourge of abortion that exists in our great country while we still have a chance.

