Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of September 2, 2023

Father Capodanno’s Sainthood 

Dear Editor: The article (“Cause for Father Capodanno Gets a Lift After Delay, Military Archbishop to Appoint Panel to Probe Sainthood Push,” Jan. 21) quoted theological consultants as saying, “Venerating someone from the military might be inappropriate.” 

Father Capodanno was not fighting when he lost his life. He was aiding American soldiers who were wounded on the battlefield when he gave up his life to save them. 

In fact, he was himself mortally wounded at the time but refused medical assistance and told medics to tend to the wounded soldiers and not him. 

“No greater love does a man have than he lays down his life for a friend” (John 15:13). 

Love in God’s kingdom goes beyond anything earth has to offer. 

Father Vincent Capodanno should be made a saint immediately.

Frank J. Ruggieri 

East Rockaway, N.Y.

 The Windening Gap 

Dear Editor: I couldn’t agree more with your editorial from last week (“The Separation of Church and State Is Widening,“ Aug. 19) when you concluded, “The secular world is moving not only away from moral-based religious truths, but they are attempting to discredit the values that have long made this nation great.” 

One just needs to watch the news. Morally right is now considered socially wrong. It is like we fell into the rabbit hole in “Alice in Wonderland.” Everything is reversed. 

Joe Puntino 


 It Pays to Be Persistent 

Dear Editor: When you find yourself in a predicament and don’t know where to turn, God is the only answer. He is the only one who can turn things around because He is a God for whom nothing is impossible. 

I found myself in such a stressful situation that tormented me to no end — a huge financial loss. I began praying the 54-day rosary of our Blessed Mother, as well as many novenas to various saints like St. Joseph, St. Anthony, St. Matthew, and St. Jude, to name a few. It seems nothing was changing for me. 

Despite the frustration that overwhelmed me and the discouragement of not getting any relief, I continued to pray every single day. Finally, after several months, God came through for me. At this point, not only have I recovered my entire loss, but I have also had a huge gain. 

I made a promise to God that if my prayers were answered, I would write to the newspaper in a show of my appreciation and to testify to the goodness of God. Thank you, the Holy Trinity. Thanks to the Holy Family and all the angels and saints. 

Never give up on God. He will never abandon or forsake you. He rewards those who persevere in prayer. Amen. 

Ryan Frank Huang 

Bay Ridge

 Knights of Columbus Honor Blessed Father Michael McGivney 

Dear Editor: I saw in the recent article that the Blessed Father Michael McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus, was honored at a Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph to celebrate his feast day (“Knights of Columbus Celebrate Founder on the Road to Sainthood,” Aug. 19). 

I saw the Mass on NET-TV. I am Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911 in Douglaston, and could not attend the Mass. 

I am now 74 years old and have been praying to Blessed Father Michael McGivney for years with my illnesses. 

I have been a Grand Knight for 16 years and hope my prayers will be answered. I have a great amount of faith and believe my prayers will be answered. 

Frederick Bedell 


 Lawler Dinner Honoree 

Dear Editor: How nice to see that Jim Austin has been celebrated for all his hard work at Diocesan Food Services (“Lawler Annual Dinner Honors Lay Community Leaders for First Time,” Aug. 19). 

For many years Msgr. James Kelly held his Annual St. Brigid Dinner Dance there and Jim was always the one making sure that the event moved along perfectly. 

Jim’s assistant Hector was there as well, always with a happy smile. Between the two, perfection. Congratulations Jim. 

Maureen Murphy 


 Catholic/Charter Schools 

Dear Editor: I agree with Mary Galgano who calls a Catholic charter school a contradictory expression (Readers’ Forum, Aug. 19). 

I don’t think that a Catholic school operating as a “public” charter school could withstand a challenge from pro-abortion groups who claim that their tax money is helping to support an institution which teaches that group’s own children that abortion is wrong and evil. 

Or will the Catholic administration of the school have to forgo church doctrine to maintain its charter status? Either way, it’s a losing proposition for the Church. 

Garrett Dempsey 
