Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of June 26 & July 6, 2024

Book Review 

Dear Editor: Jared Brock has written a book titled “A God Called Josh” that I bought from a remainders catalogue at half price and on Amazon for even less, when, in fact, it should be hard to find and its pages dog-eared! 

Brock is Protestant, so some of what he has written about Jesus and His brothers and sisters is different from what Catholics believe about the home life of the Holy Family. 

This diversion should not stop anyone from reading this insightful and respectful book about the God whose friends called Him Josh. As did His disciples and maybe even Mary and Joseph. 

Brock tries to get us to know Jesus/ Josh as He was known in His time. He explains moments in the Lord’s life with a fresh and documented perspective that makes more and more sense the more you read. 

I highly recommend this book for book clubs, discussion groups, and faith-sharing gatherings. 

Don’t be surprised if this book is sold out where you buy books, and don’t be put off if it is. Just keep trying to find it, and once you have and have read it, you’ll be sending me a “Thank You” note for recommending. 

Father Michael Perry 


Our Graduates

Dear Editor: The feature (“The Tablet All Scholastic Graduate Team,” June 15) is always such a source of pride and inspiration. 

Pride in our Catholic schools and inspiration as you read first the accomplishments of these young men and women and their favorite quotes. 

It gives you hope that the Church and even the world is in good hands. These young people have managed to gain for themselves scholarships to schools like Tufts, Boston College, St.Johns, and so many more where the tuition is well over $50,000 a year. 

What an amazing achievement. The credit is theirs of course but also to the fine Catholic high school where they were prepared for this. 

Our Catholic schools are so valuable. Year after year they send off worthy students to lofty places, yet they are closing. 

Will Catholic schools become schools for the few advantaged people with money? I hope not.

Maria F. Mastromarino 

Manalapan, NJ

Radical Catholics 

Dear Editor: Thank you for your editorial (“Organized Attacks on Catholics Continue,” June 15) regarding the Southern Poverty Law Center. I was concerned enough to access the SPLC website to confirm their organization’s stance. 

My Mass attendance has always been based upon fealty to Church teaching and the E ucharist. 

Now I also attend to affirm my fealty to our First Amendment rights despite the negative atmosphere toward the Chur ch created by extreme leftist media, the B iden administration, and the FBI. 

Patrick Sweeney 

Rego Park

Milton Friedman’s Lesson 

Dear Editor: The Tablet printed a political cartoon showing a man representing a “corporate giant” behind a cur tain manipulating levers marked “price gouging” and “record profits” to feed a talking head labeled “Inflation.” 

As economist Milton Friedman reminded us many times, there’s only one cause of inflation: the go vernment printing money in amounts unsupported by the soundness of the economy. 

A flood of cheap dollars for a set of limited goods drives up the price of everything. Inflation is not caused by big business, nor small business, nor labor unions, nor the consumer. 

Inflation ends when the government acts responsibly. 

Karl J. Wilhelm 


Editor’s note: While big business does not cause inflation, many large manufacturers and banking institutions enjoy increased profits from inflated pricing.

Great Sports Articles 

Dear Editor: Although I no longer reside in the Diocese of Brooklyn, I enjoy reading The Tablet weekly. 

After absorbing all of the national and diocesan news, I look forward to reading “Good Sports.” 

Jim Mancari does a fine job of mixing articles on NYC teams past and present with the current high school/college local scene. 

He seems to do a lot of research and always elicits many quotes from the appropriate sources. 

Keep the good sports coming, Jim. Nice writing. 

John T. Shea 

Farmingdale, NJ 

One thought on “Letters to the Editor Week of June 26 & July 6, 2024

  1. It isn’t surprising to read a disinforming comment from Tablet editors expressing contempt for economic reality. No institution “enjoys” increased profits from pricing adjusted in accord with inflation, not even those who survive inflation. Believing they “enjoy” devaluation of assets is a rather juvenile falsehood of left-wing venom. Inflation always devalues profits in real money terms while increasing all operating expenses including paying inflated tax bills from profits.