Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of June 24, 2023

Corpus Christi Parish in Woodside 

Dear Editor: Today’s feast of Corpus Christi was extra special at my parish — Corpus Christi in Woodside. It has become a yearly tradition to integrate all of our cultures in a special Mass in our school auditorium for over 200 parishioners. 

The Mass was concelebrated by our pastor Msgr. Jonas Achacoso, Fr. Mintu Rozario, Fr. John O’Neill, Deacon Juan Zhagñay, and our visiting priest Fr. Orlando Mendoza. It was celebrated in English, Spanish, Filipino, and Bengali, with our choir singing beautifully in all languages. 

At the conclusion of the celebration, we had an outdoor procession with the Blessed Sacrament around the block to four altars that were prepared and decorated by these aforementioned cultural groups. 

The celebration culminated with refreshments that were prepared and distributed by our Filipino community. As a parishioner for over 50 years, I am proud and blessed to call Corpus Christi my parish. Visit us sometime for Mass or stop by our adoration chapel and adore our Lord 24/7. 

Jill Infante-Colgan 


Concern for Our Country 

Dear Editor: Looking back over the past 10 years we have seen attacks on Christianity increase, antisemitism rise, depravity and lawlessness on the rise. What has been done about it? 

Roe v. Wade was overturned and the tempo escalated, pro-life clinics were firebombed — pro-life activists who counseled prospective mothers were targeted by the FBI an pro-life advocates were labeled as domestic terrorists. 

Meanwhile, transgender activists are counseling our children to have gender affirming care, which leads to gender mutilation and psychological problems. 

The nuclear family is ignored, disrespected, and demeaned, even turning our own children against their parents and their faith. 

Our Catholic President Joe Biden never seems to defend his faith nor denounced the heinous attacks on pro-life facilities. His Justice Department describes pro-life members as domestic terrorists. 

If Biden is a true Catholic, can you support any of these policies? 

Catholics must condemn his actions and everything he seeks to do with regard to God, family, freedom. Stand up for God, family, and faith. 

Push back against the Godless agenda of this administration. 

Lawrence W. Iancucki 


Catholic Worker Marks 90 Years 

Dear Editor: The Catholic Worker is a lifeline. I know because I was on the receiving end of a lifeline from one of Dorothy’s disciples, Roger O’Neill. 

The folks who describe their roundtable discussions as a “bunch of liberal-progressive claptrap” are wrong. 

The topics presented during Friday night meetings cover a wide range of issues. They do tend to do more “confirmation of” rather than “clarification of thought.” 

They do get stuck in what George Orwell described as the “prevailing orthodoxy.” 

Gene Roman

Gluten-Free Host

Dear Editor: My mother suffered from Celiac disease. Any unknown wheat product in anything consumed led to excruciating pain. For example, a shrimp breaded and fried; gravy where flour was mixed in, gluten-free products prepared with other types of food. 

The struggle to live without wheat in the American diet led to my mother’s untimely death. 

Would the letter writer in the June 10 edition who proposed that just a little wheat found in the host should be okay for Celiac disease sufferers, put down the Bible and read a few medical reports about Celiac disease? 

In all your posturing and Scripture quoting, I don’t see where Jesus fits into all of this. I do see, however, an agenda and it isn’t the agenda of Christ. 

Ellen Poulsen Prunella 


R.I.P. Msgr. Deas

Dear Editor: While reading Father Lauder’s June 17th column to Msgr. George O. Deas , I was moved in particular by his closing remarks about friendships and love relationships transcending after death. 

This past week I visited the graves in St. John’s Cemetery of two close priest friends, Msgrs. Eugene Feldhaus and Perfecto Vazquez, both having died in the past five years. 

I recalled the great influence they both had on my priestly vocation, and the deep affection we shared. I spoke with them and prayed at their graves. And, like Father Lauder said, “I believe they will always be present in my life, not just in memory, but really, personally present.” 

Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari 
