Letters to the Editor

False Charge of Racism

Dear Editor: As a racial “minority,” I am disappointed that The Tablet would assign the title of “A Cure for Racism“ to a letter (Dec. 24-31, 2016) expressing the familiar attitude that will have and has had the opposite effect when put into practice. False accusations of racism encourage the cultivation of real racist responses among those who revel in accusatory vitriol.

The letter picked apart a cartoon, an obvious fictional expression, for not satisfying a sort of quota system on who or how many of what race should be portrayed negatively and how many portrayed positively in a hypothetical situation. A failure to anticipate the presuppositions and expectations of hair trigger accusations does not make a cartoonist or any fiction writer a racist.

Today’s young are indoctrinated at our morally unhinged universities to treat human beings as sociological reductionisms and that students should believe that they, like their teachers, are living at the summit of human awareness and enlightenment, superior to all who came before, no matter how much of a dimwitted fantasy these students and teachers actually embrace. It sure beats having students think too much about how much tuition money is being stolen from them and their parents to enable them to share this conceit. Instead, they are encouraged to enjoy falsely accusing their presumed inferiors of every prejudice while remaining unmindful of their own. Most would not even know how to define the word wisdom let alone aspire to it.

More and more universities now provide “safe zones” where the fragile student snowflakes can use coloring books and Play-Doh, sip hot cocoa, and skip taking exams in order to cope with the emotional distress of the mere possibility of a religious or conservative speaker managing to appear on campus promoting anything like truthful values and mature rational thought.

Pro-lifers are as welcome as lepers, and this includes campuses of almost all “Catholic” colleges. Racism and anti-Christian attitudes cannot be diminished by having Catholics replicate secular stupidity, pride and evil. Racism can only be reduced by preaching Christ Crucified, the only antidote to our many conceits.



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