Bishop O’Connell Murder Suspect Confesses, Funeral Plans Announced

The suspect in the case, Carlos Medina, the husband of Bishop O’Connell’s housekeeper, has since admitted to murder, according to Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón. He has been charged with one count of murder and a “special allegation” that he personally used a firearm.

Suspect Charged with Murder of L.A. Auxiliary Bishop O’Connell

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced Feb. 22 that a suspect in the murder of Auxiliary Bishop David O’Connell has been charged with one count of murder and a “special allegation” that he personally used a firearm.

In Wake of Shooting, Colorado Springs Bishop Backs Tighter Gun Control

Bishop James Golka on Monday afternoon offered his “deepest sympathies and prayers” to all those affected by a mass shooting in Colorado Springs on Saturday, Nov. 19, saying it’s especially troubling that the shooter appeared to target the LGBTQ community.

Invoking Mary’s Intercession

We honor Mary throughout this month of August. For starters, we celebrate two important feast days that are linked together by an octave.

God is at the Center

There is a brief section in Learning to Pray by Father James Martin, S.J, dealing with centering prayer. Because I have been doing centering prayer every day for more than 20 years I thought I would be very familiar with whatever Father Martin wrote about centering prayer. Actually reading Father Martin’s remarks turned out to be a special grace for me.

Invited to Preach in a Church Where I Was an Altar Boy

Experiences in grammar school can positively influence a person for the rest of one’s life. This was certainly true for me. In 1965 I graduated from Sacred Heart Grammar School in East Glendale. I had an extremely positive experience as a little child in that parish school, and in the country-style church that is Sacred Heart. The Dominican Sisters, who taught my siblings and me, planted the seeds in us to be lifelong Catholics who appreciated our faith.