Inspired by Father O’Connor

Dear Editor: I have known Father Chris O’Connor since he was a young airman in the U.S. Air Force. I can still remember him telling me about this very story that he wrote about in The Tablet (Oct. 28).

A Fan of Father Labita

Dear Editor: I read the tribute to Father Frank Labita (Nov. 4). He is a man who followed his heart and answered God’s call.

Relevancy of Eucharist

Dear Editor: God is not dead but too often we treat him that way. It is unfortunate that the Eucharist, which our Catechism states is “the sum and summary of our faith” too often is being treated as less than that.

Loose-Leaf Morality Book

Dear Editor: The front page headline in The Tablet (Oct. 21) stated “Death Penalty Contrary to the Gospel.” Who knew? Catholics are still digesting the idea that divorced Catholics in second marriages may be eligible to receive Communion.

Thank You, Father Tom!

Dear Editor: Oct. 31 was the last official day that we here at Sacred Heart in Bayside had well-loved Father Tom Brosnan as our pastor. He became the new pastor at Holy Innocents in Brooklyn on Nov. 1.

Two Views of Annulment

Dear Editor: This is in reaction to the comments posted on The Tablet website about Father Catoir’s column about the annulment process.

Knowledge of Good, Evil

Dear Editor: The Devil is usually responsible for taking your clothes off but in the Genesis story God asked Adam and Eve who told them they were parading around in their birthday suits. The fig leaves were not enough to cover the shame of their souls so they hid in fear behind bushes away from their best friend when God came to visit.

A Compassionate Solution

Dear Editor: In August, reader Ed Moffitt projected his feelings of being troubled by what our Pope Francis has publicly stated about the President and building the wall. Pope Francis’ view is public opposition of our president who wants to keep our country safe from harm; his primary duty as president.

Cathedral’s Role Models

Dear Editor: In this year of vocations, the recent passing of Msgr. Conrad Dietz reminded me of how important to a vocation to the religious life is the example of priests and religious like him, and how we should tell them that while they are alive.

Unreasonable Gridironer

Dear Editor: I, for one, am more than just disappointed in Colin Kaepernick.