Relationship with Tablet

Dear Editor: I wish to thank you for allowing me to offer my opinions and reminiscences in the pages of The Tablet during this past year. Since May, you’ve published four of my letters in the “Readers’ Forum,” as well as two online. Those follow my first letter in the fall of 2008, in which I offered a few anecdotes about Bishop Loughlin H.S. (copies of which I have tucked away somewhere in a box of family photos).

De-Christianizing Bethlehem

Dear Editor: CNS reporter Judith Sudilovsky continues with her propaganda and hit pieces (Dec, 23-30) against Israel, despite the call from Pope Francis that journalists should stick to facts. It was Yassir Arafat who began a de-Christianizing process in Bethlehem causing Christians to flee the city in doves and closing churches among other nefarious acts. […]

Ford, Bishop and Martyr

Dear Editor: Heartfelt kudos to Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio for beginning the cause for the canonization of Bishop Francis X. Ford and for selecting exceptional men to work on the cause.

Book-Reading Pastor

Dear Editor: Sincere thank you to The Tablet for the excellent coverage (Dec. 6) of the recent rededication ceremony at the McGoldrick library in Flushing.

Loughlin’s Contribution

Dear Editor: I was so happy to read that a play (Dec. 23-30) about our first Bishop, John Loughlin (1817-1891), is touring our parishes. It’s great to see the “good old man” (as his priests called him) getting his due. Bishop Loughlin deserves a lot more attention than historians have given him, so it’s good to see a playwright recognizing this.

Guadalupe for All

Dear Editor: What wonderful coverage you have given (Dec. 9 and 16) of the celebrations for La Guadalupana, both in Mexico and here in Brooklyn. It is impressive to read that this feast is celebrated by many groups of Hispanics and not just persons of Mexican descent.

Miraculous Memories

Dear Editor: What a beautiful experience to read Mrs. Virgadamo’s account of her life in Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal parish. Thank you for sharing your heartwarming story! What a grand way for you and your husband to have grown in that environment and then to have raised your family there.

Catholics Have Rights Too

Dear Editor: A recent letter noted past letters vilifying Trump but didn’t go far enough in noting how some particulars of that contempt, although accepted among many Catholics, are an affront to Catholic values.

Changing Our Prayers?

Dear Editor: Now that Pope Francis has suggested some changes to the “Our Father,” how about some changes to the “Hail Mary”? As a parent, former teacher, and coach, I always looked to reinforce the positive in those children who were entrusted to my care.

Father McGovern’s Joy

Dear Editor: I was very saddened to read of the death of Father Eugene McGovern.