The Laity and Vocations

Dear Editor: As a former resident of the Brooklyn/Queens Diocese, I am pleased to learn of the workshop on vocation recruitment (April 21). I do believe that it is imperative that the laity take on some responsibility for promoting vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life.

Where There’s Smoke…

Dear Editor: It would seem, that Satan’s Smoke has seeped into the Facebook Boardroom and enveloped the minds hearts and souls of those, so arrogantly, pontificating from within.

Distorting the News

Dear Editor: The Vatican Secretariat for Communication distorted a letter written by retired Pope Benedict. The distortion thus seemed to be qualifying his generic support for a publication on the intellectual roots and thoughts of Pope Francis.

Live Life to the End

Dear Editor: There is currently a big push on from the liberals to pass so-called “Right to Die” / Doctor Assisted Suicide in New York State. Most doctors oppose this practice since it violates their oath. In addition, Catholics are supposed to respect life from conception to its natural ending.

Comprehending God’s Mind

Dear Editor: To “Hell? Yes!”  I say, “Hell, no!”  This may be a bit heretical, but if God is Love, as St. John tells us, how can that same loving God damn any part of His creation to eternal separation?  In the Creed, don’t we recite: “I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.”

In Favor of Republicans?

Dear Editor: Republicans are the good guys? In what world have you been living in for the past several decades?

Church’s Social Teaching

Dear Editor: Without getting involved in a (tired) Democrat-Republican fight on social policy (Readers’ Forum, April 7), a long hard look at Catholic social teaching will reveal an unstinting progressive attitude in matters of social thought.

Greenpoint Idol

Dear Editor: In the 1940s, our neighbor Margie Greenwood sang on Major Bowes’ Amateur Hour.

Remembering Rusty

Dear Editor: We attended the funeral Mass for Rusty Staub in St. Edward’s Roman Catholic Church in Palm Beach, Fla.

Catholics on the Tube

Dear Editor: It is a given that the cable/satellite channel Fox News presents itself unabashedly as America’s bastion of all that is good and wholesome in government, culture, and social conduct, a beacon of traditional values and moral rectitude.