Sisters of Notre Dame

Dear Editor: I loved your sharing, such that any woman reading it would agree she can still be a sister (“Responding in Love” by Sister Nancy Gilchriest, S.S.N.D., March 3, 2018).

Great Memories

Dear Editor: I am a former student of Our Lady of Lourdes grammar school. (A Cristo Rey School Grows in Brooklyn, The Tablet, Nov. 12, 2011).

We Have Stopped Listening

Dear Editor: The world is in the midst of spiritual estrangement (Readers’ Forum, Free College Education?, Dec. 29).

Remembering Father Burns

Dear Editor: During his time as pastor of St. Michael’s Church in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, Father Patrick Burns served as a Clergy Liaison with the 72nd Precinct. Father Burns was always there for the NYPD whether in times of crisis or just to share a light hearted moment and his efforts to bridge police and community were unparalleled.

The Living Presence

Dear Editor: In his Dec. 29 column “Put Out into the Deep,” Bishop DiMarzio reminds us of the stories of the Holy Family’s difficulty finding shelter in Bethlehem, of their seeking refuge in Egypt, and of the massacre of the Holy Innocents which they narrowly escaped.

Beautiful Missa Cantata

DEAR EDITOR: Responding to some recent letters I would like to let the residents of Queens know that a beautiful Missa cantata is celebrated every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in St. Josaphat’s Church in Bayside, Queens, by Father Stephen Saffron. He also celebrates many Latin Masses for feast days and recently has offered daily Rorate Masses at 6:35 am during Advent.

Ukraine Complex History

Dear Editor: John Allen writes (“Why Ukraine Church’s Drive for Independence Matters to Rome,” The Tablet, Dec. 22): “During the Soviet era, fealty to the Patriarch of Moscow was imposed down the barrel of a gun, rendering, among others, the Greek Catholic Church in the country the world’s largest illegal religious body.”

A Few New Subscribers

Dear Editor: Thank you for publishing a very informative newspaper. I enjoy reading it and share the information I see.

Free College Education?

Dear Editor: John Russo (Readers’ Forum, Dec. 8) expresses opposition to free college education. While he is referring to a NYS expense, he raises an issue that is now also in discussion on the federal level. The same day that I read Mr. Russo’s letter, I read an article by CNBC’s National Security Reporter, Amanda […]

Msgr. Perfecto Vasquez

Dear Editor: I was a parishioner of Guardian Angel Parish when Msgr. Perfecto Vasquez was pastor. After every Mass, he always said, “Let us do our best and God will do the rest.” This was deeply refreshing in a world that wants to do it all by themselves.