Our Youth

Bishop Neil Tiedemann’s First Confirmation


tiedeman-conf-4_cmykBishop Neil Tiedemann went to St. Athanasius, Bensonhurst, to perform his first confirmation in the Diocese of Brooklyn as the diocese’s newest auxiliary bishop.

He confirmed nearly 90 young Catholics into the faith on Oct. 6 at the 4 p.m. Mass.

In his remarks he referred to the letters the children sent him as candidates. He said he was glad to hear that they were ready to accept their role as the church’s youngest adults in faith. He said with confirmation, they have become “full-pledge Catholics.”

In acknowledgment of the diversity of St. Athanasius’ confirmation class and the diversity of the bishop who was born in the diocese, has served as bishop in Jamaica, W.I., and speaks Spanish, the liturgy was celebrated bilingually, in English and Spanish.

Students were readied for the sacrament with the guidance of their parents, sponsors, teachers, Nicoletta Milo, director of religious education, and Father Ronald D’Antonio, spiritual director of religious education.