Our Youth

Back-to-School Letter from the Youth Editor

Oh, the scents of new school books and supplies. Did you miss the sound of the school bell? Or what about the sights of familiar faces in the hallways? I’m sure the weekly lunchroom flavors have been sinking into your tastebuds ever since the idea of going back to school peeked its cunning way back into your memory.

But hope is not lost! Try spending some time before the first day of school truly reflecting on the moments this summer that took your breath away.

If you enjoy the outdoors, try venturing off to the closest park or beach with a friend. Stop to reflect on the simple moments that you spent with your family (which includes the family pet!) or friends over the past few weeks or months.

If you were blessed to go on vacation this summer, go through digital photo albums, print your favorite photos and be sure to keep them handy on your locker door for the fall.They will serve as a wonderful reminder that life is still full of joy and good times.

Wishing you a wonderful upcoming school year!